Zapier integration
How to use CVtoBlind with Zapier
Last updated
How to use CVtoBlind with Zapier
Last updated
You can add CVtoBlind to any workflow that you are currently using via Zapier - a no-code automation platform. Zapier allows you to perform the following actions in CVtoBlind:
Convert a CV file into a Profile
Export a profile in DOCX
Export a profile in PDF
We will build a sample integration based on CVtoBlind and Google Drive:
When you put a new CV file in the input folder, it gets send to CVtoBlind
Once CVtoBlind finishes processing the CV, it will export the newly created Profile back to Google Drive to a different folder
You need to have a premium Zapier account for this flow to work. Create a new Zap from the dashboard:
Configure the trigger and pick a folder that we will use as the source of our CV files.
Once you've configured the trigger:
put a sample CV file in that folder
Note: Please make sure you're using an actual CV file here in a supported format (pdf, docx, jpg, png) for the entire flow to work correctly. Otherwise the conversion process will fail.
wait for the Google Drive integration to notice this file
select it and click "Test trigger"
Next, add a new action below and enter CVtoBlind in search bar. You should find our integration. Go ahead and add it to the workflow
Select "Create Profile" as the Action event from the dropdown.
To connect your account, go to and create a new API key. Click on the value to copy it to the clipbord.
Back in the Zapier web app, click Sign in and paste the API key into the Zapier authentication window:
You've now successfully linked your CVtoBlind account with Zapier! You can always change to a different account if you wish to do so.
Next, click the plus button in the Configure tab and select "File" from Google Drive:
Click Continue and Test step:
The test action should resolve fairly quickly and validate our "Create Profile" Step.
This flow is enough to get CV data into CVtoBlind. Next, let's add a way to export our newly created Profile.
Add a new step below Create Profile. Your account should already be connected here.
In the configure tab, pick "Profile ID" from the dropdown menu.
(optional) If you wish to use a specific Template for the export operation, you will need to copy the Template ID manually from CVtoBlind:
You might as well leave this field empty - in that case, the template which is configured as default on your account will be used.
Move to the next tab and click "Test step". No more actions are needed here:
Now, once you finish the test Zapier will suggest publishing the Zap. Instead, we will add one last step to our workflow.
Let's add a fourth step:
Pick "Upload File" as the action from Google Drive
Pick a different folder as the output, otherwise you will end up in an infinite loop
Pick "Exported Profile File" from step 3
Set "Convert to Document" to false
Don't specify either the file name or the extension. CVtoBlind will generate a filename according to your Profile name settings
Go ahead and click Test & Publish. This is what our final flow should look like:
Now let's see how it works in action! Since we've configured "Zapier testing" as our input folder, let's put a new CV file in the folder:
The Google Drive integration runs on an interval, so it can take a few minutes for this workflow to trigger. Check your Zap history after a few minutes, and you should see a successful run of our workflow:
When we go to Google Drive, we can see a new exported Profile in the output folder:
The file has been exported in the template we've provided & processed according to our Conversion settings.
This is just a sample integration, you can combine CVtoBlind with any of the apps available on the Zapier platform to integrate CVtoBlind into your systems.
If you need help or additional features, feel free to reach out to us over at