Convert Page
Convert CVs to Profiles
Last updated
Convert CVs to Profiles
Last updated
The Convert page allows you to upload CV documents to create structured and organized Profiles. Each Profile contains all the key data extracted from a single CV, ready for use in your organization.
On the left side of the page, you'll find details about your current organization plan and usage statistics. All new users start with 10 free conversions.
Simply drag and drop your CV file(s) into the large upload zone in the center of the screen.
Alternatively, click the upload zone to select files from your device.
Supported formats: PDF, DOCX, JPG, and PNG. Limit: Up to 10 files per upload, with a maximum file size of 10MB per file.
Once you upload a file and it succeeds, you'll see a Status tracker added below the upload zone:
An uploaded CV will be in one of 4 statuses:
Queued: The CV is in a waiting line for conversion. The processing typically begins immediately, but during high traffic, you might experience a short delay.
Converting: The CV is currently being processed and converted into the required format. This step is usually quick.
Completed: The CV has been successfully converted and is ready for further actions or review.
Failed: The conversion process encountered an error. You may need to re-upload the CV or contact support for assistance.
The conversion process will usually take less than 1 minute, up to 5 minutes in extreme cases.
Once a conversion is completed, you can see the completed Profile in the Profile Editor