⬆️Upload CV Screen
In this page you will learn about how our Upload function works.
Overview of the Upload screen
The Upload screen is our home page, where you land after creating the account, signing in, or clicking on our primary logo. You can obviously get here by clicking Convert CV.
To start the conversion process, a CV must be uploaded to our app. The file can be uploaded by drag and drop or by browsing your local files.
Drag and Drop
Browse Files
What files can our app process?
Currently, our app allows to upload one file at a time. It must be a PDF, and its size must be up to 10 MB.
The app handles:
CVs with photos, images and graphical elements
CVs with multiple columns
CVs that have many pages
PDF files with protection against copy-paste
What happens when a file is uploaded?
Our app checks in a background if the file meets our criteria and rules to be further processed. If everything is fine with the file If not, you will be prompted on the screen that something went wrong.
Last updated